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Pinterest Co-Founder Evan Sharp On International Ambitions, The Apple Watch, The SF Housing Crisis And More

evan sharp interest As part of a larger story about Pinterest’s Jumpstart program — a new experiment in its international expansion — I sat down with Pinterest co-founder Evan Sharp to talk about the company and its current goals. We spoke at length about how Pinterest is structured internally, what they’re looking for and how they are thinking about the Apple Watch Read More

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Videopixie, A Video Production Startup That Connects Buyers And Creators, Raises $1.1M

Videopixie tom saffell office Videopixie, a Y Combinator alumnus that handles video creation and production (like filming and post-production editing), has raised $1.1 million in seed funding. The startup connects clients — like retailers and brands — with video production professionals. Clients post in Videopixie what they are looking for, and the creators bid on the project. Videopixie largely sees… Read More

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Here’s Your First (Ridiculously Short) Look At The New Doom

Doom. The game that introduced an entire generation to the idea of using computers for more than spreadsheets, the game that set the bar in 1993… has had a rough couple of years. The latest Doom game (the fourth in the series, though the publishers aren’t calling it “Doom 4″) has had one helluva ride. First announced in 2008, it’s spent the last seven years… Read More

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Acquia Partners with CloudFlare To Boost DDoS Security

Padlock superimposed over field of zeros and ones. Acquia announced today that it’s teaming with CloudFlare to offer its customers CloudFlare Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection, as well as Content Delivery Network (CDN) services. Acquia will sell and service these products. Acquia wanted a product it could package and service, so the partner needed to be flexible in this regard. It considered building something itself,… Read More

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Groupon Launches Breadcrumb Live To Bring Point-Of-Sale Management To The iPhone

Breadcrumb Live Groupon has been expanding its footprint beyond daily deals for some time, and today the company is doubling down on its investment in its restaurant point-of-sale system Breadcrumb with a new app designed to bring live sales data to the iPhone. With Breadcrumb Live, the company is offering restaurant owners the ability to pull up sales information, check counts, performance trends and… Read More

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Pinterest’s Plans To Build Its International Playbook

Pinterest Tokyo Office On April 1st, Pinterest’s country manager in Japan Naoki Sadakuni got some of the engineering support he’d wanted for a while. Five team members from Pinterest’s headquarters arrived to the company’s Tokyo office in an experiment the company is running called “Jumpstart.” It’s Pinterest’s first run at shipping a small team from the… Read More

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Zeek Lets You Buy And Sell Unwanted Gift Vouchers

Zeek If you’ve ever received a gift voucher for a store you rarely or never shop in, then Zeek could prove useful. The marketplace and mobile app lets you buy and sell unwanted store credit, including gift vouchers, credit notes, gift cards and e-vouchers. Read More

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Mobile First, But What’s Next?

mobilefirst The ascendance of mobile devices, cloud computing and big data is having a profound impact on the lives of workers. Yet many of the business applications that run on their smartphones and tablets still fail miserably to take full advantage of this revolutionary shift. Even services that tout themselves as “mobile first” often fall short of delivering novel functionality that… Read More

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