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Box CEO Aaron Levie On Box’s Multi-pronged Growth Strategy

Aaron Levie at TechCrunch Disrupt Box CEO Aaron Levie talked about his company’s multi-pronged growth strategies with TechCrunch’s Alex Wilhelm today at TechCrunch Disrupt NY. The strategy involves building access to vertical markets, letting customers and partners build applications on top of Box and embedding Box in applications to take advantage of Box services. The first part of Box’s strategy involves… Read More

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Is Your Marijuana Growing / Testing / Delivery / Vaporizer Startup Idea Genius Or Half-Baked?

Half Baked Ideas Everyone seems to have a marijuana startup idea. Snoop Dogg even raised a venture fund to invest in them. But would you believe it? Coming up with business plans while you’re high is not a fool-proof way to get rich!
According to two experts, many of the opportunities are so crowded with competitors that you’d first have to invent a time machine and go back three years. Read More

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Swarm 2.3 Feels Like The Old Foursquare, Looks Way Better

Screenshot 2015-05-04 11.22.09 Foursquare has today released an update for Swarm, the company’s social check-in app, that brings far more of the delightful gamification of the old Foursquare back to the service. But today’s update is just a pre-amble to version 3.0, which will be released in the coming weeks, and will include Mayorships within the entire Swarm community, as well as a leaderboard between friends… Read More

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Nintendo Answers Amiibo Fan Frustration

new-3ds-xl-1 Nintendo’s Amiibo toys are selling well; almost too well, depending on who you’re asking. Fans are frustrated that many specific models are very hard to get, unless you’re willing to pay a lot on sites like eBay. Nintendo wants you Amiibo-hungry diehards to know it’s going to be okay, thanks to ramped-up shipping efforts and re-issues of Amiibo that have already ended… Read More

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How Snapchat Made QR Codes Cool Again

Snapchat Snapcodes QR codes have been a laughing-stock for years now. The gangly square bar codes were slapped on posters and magazine pages, and heralded as an easy way to open URLs or bonus content. Instead they became a frustrating symbol of over-engineering. You often needed a special QR code reader app which might fail to recognize the little robot tattoos on the first try. By the time you found your QR app… Read More

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Twitter Turns Off MS-DOS Game Embeds In Tweets

Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 11.58.49 AM The newfound ability to put entire MS-DOS games hosted by the Internet Archive inside tweets, and then play them back in Twitter’s official web client, is now gone. The feature used Twitter’s Cards setup, but it also violated the terms of that system by putting an entire end-to-end gaming system within Twitter’s embedded video player. Read More

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Health And Fitness Tracker MyFitnessPal Targets Power Users With Its First Paid Product

running MyFitnessPal, a popular health and fitness tracking app that was snatched up by athletic apparel maker Under Armour earlier this year for $475 million, is today making its first move to a paid model by introducing a premium tier to its service aimed at power users. In particular, paying users will be able to customize their MyFitnessPal dashboard in order to better track the types of… Read More

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Drawbridge Adds Offline Purchases To Its Cross-Device Marketing Data

Drawbridge Drawbridge‘s platform is getting smarter thanks to partnerships with Datalogix and Axciom-owned Liveramp.
The company, backed by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital, already works to identify the multiple devices that are (probably) used by the same person, which in turn can be used to improve ad targeting and attribution. Read More

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