Rookie smartphone company OnePlus has removed the need for an invite to buy its One smartphone and announced a date for its follow-up device. Read More
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The HTC One M9 isn’t all that different from its predecessor the M8 — it still has a premium though relatively thick design, but it upgrades in the camera department as well as in general processing speed. But does it stand out? Biggs feels that the One M9 isn’t suited for the current competitive landscape, given the recent release of the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge —… Read More
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Ask most people what the state of mobile payments is today, and they’ll tell you it’s just kicking off. With Facebook announcing the option to ‘send money to friends’ via messenger and the release of Apple Pay last year, 2015 has excitedly been dubbed “The Year of Mobile Payments.” Yet what most people don’t realise is that these services are… Read More
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I’m old enough to remember when the smartest folks on Sand Hill Road thought cleantech was going to be the next big thing. When venture dollars into the “sector” (really, a loose collection of very different markets and technologies, bundled together under a convenient label) were growing by leaps and bounds year over year. When the New York Times declared “Capitalism… Read More
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Despite all the mobile video apps out there, Gary Krieg said there’s still something missing — a need he’s trying to fill with his new app Hykoo. See, Vine has created its own set of stars, and Meerkat and Periscope offer new platforms for livestreaming, but Krieg pitched Hykoo as an attempt to build an Instagram for video (which, yes, Instagram itself is also doing ).… Read More
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We hear more and more about the big stars of YouTube, but what about the creators who haven’t quite reached superstar status? Well, if they’re looking to connect with advertisers, startup FameBit aims to help. Co-founder and CEO David Kierzkowski told me that most multi-channel networks — which help YouTube content creators build a business around their videos — are… Read More
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The iPhone has offered the ability to take photos at the same time as you record video, but capturing photos from video that has already been captured isn’t quite so straightforward. Taplet aims to solve that. The company, with $1 million in seed funding, has created an app that lets users upload HD video and then tap the perfect moments to pull HD videos. Currently, the easiest way to… Read More
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One of the stranger things that Y Combinator has supported — among the many more interesting things they’ve started to back like prosthetic legs, macrobiotic research and Uber-for-marijuana startups — is a non-profit that built an entire political party in Buenos Aires, Argentina. DemocracyOS is a software platform that allows regular voters to debate and forward policy ideas.… Read More
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