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Microsoft Promises ‘Universal’ Office App For Phones Running Windows 10 This Month

windows 10 Microsoft promised this morning to release by the end of April a set of Office applications that it calls “Universal” for smartphones running Windows 10. The company has a two-prong productivity strategy in place for Windows: Office 2016 for desktop use, and, for all other Windows 10 experiences, its touch-focused Office Universal apps. The latter apps, according to Microsoft,… Read More

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Trio Lets You Mash Up Your Own Media With GIFs, Vines, Music And More

trio If you spend entirely too much time creating, searching for and sharing the best GIFs and Vines with your friends, then you might get a kick out of a new mobile application called Trio. The app allows you to mash up media in order to create unique “remixes” that combine photos, videos, GIFs and music pulled from a variety of public sources, as well as from your own Camera Roll. Read More

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Twitter Makes It Easier For Developers To Add Timelines To Mobile Apps

twitterkit-timeline-citymapper-cropped Twitter this week rolled out new features to its mobile developer platform, Fabric, aimed at expanding access to Twitter timelines from third-party applications. With an update to Twitter Kit, the platform component that lets developers authenticate users via Twitter and showcase tweet embeds within apps, developers are now also able to integrate Twitter timelines within their iOS or… Read More

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Amazon Shuts Down TestDrive, The Appstore Feature That Let You Try Apps Before Downloading

Amazon Appstore - Bubble Buster Test Drive Amazon is shutting down TestDrive, one of the differentiating features of the Amazon Appstore which allowed consumers to test out new applications ahead of purchase. The feature was introduced back in March 2011 alongside the launch of the Appstore itself, where it then utilized a browser-based emulated instance of Android running in the cloud. This let consumers control an application… Read More

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Snapchat Is Paying Ex-Apple Exec Scott Forstall 0.11% To Be An Advisor

Snapchat Forstall A leaked email from the Sony Pictures hack indicates Snapchat set aside .11% of its stock for former Apple head of iOS Scott Forstall to be an advisor. Michael Lynton, Sony Pictures’ CEO, is a Snapchat board member, so when his email was stolen by hackers protesting the release of The Interview, sensitive Snapchat information came to light. WikiLeaks recently made those emails easier… Read More

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EyeEm Raises $18M To Expand Its Photo Marketplace

eyeem Photo-sharing startup EyeEm has raised $18 million to accelerate the expansion of its recently launched photo marketplace, CEO Flo Meissner announced on Medium this afternoon. EyeEm’s marketplace leverages the app’s social aspect to generate content that feels truer than most stock photography, giving even amateur photographers a chance to monetize their hobby. To help find… Read More

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Managed By Q Launches Out Of Beta In NY, Expands To Chicago

Managed by Q Managed By Q, the iPad-powered office management platform, has today announced that it will be launching out of beta in NYC. The company is also expanding to Chicago, launching an invite-only beta to startups and businesses in the area. Managed By Q is a platform built to help offices keep track of groceries, supplies, cleaning, repairs — all the things that take focus away from running… Read More

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Twitter Is Winning The Live Streaming Battle

live-streaming-meerkat-periscope Following its acquisition of live streaming app Periscope, Twitter has been actively fighting to make sure its service beats that of independent competitor Meerkat, which had a slightly earlier start. In recent weeks, Twitter has made changes to cut off Meerkat’s access to Twitter’s social graph, and even began pushing celebrities and publishers to stop using Meerkat. Those… Read More

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GE Spotlights New Smart Street Lamps

Picture of highway showing movement and streetlights. GE has a new smart street light in early production, and it hopes that over time, cities and third-party developers will begin to take advantage of the platform to build smart city apps. The light itself is a super-efficient LED that could last up to 20 years. Where it gets interesting is that GE is including a sensor pack with each bulb with capabilities such as video, light and weather… Read More

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