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Google Wallet Adds New Integrations With Shopify, Seamless, Dunkin’ Donuts And More

Screen Shot 2015-04-09 at 14.48.17 Google has been stepping up its game in mobile payments the last several months, buying Softcard’s point-of-sale tech and making some international advances for its money transfer service. Today it’s adding another crucial piece to mix: some key integrations with merchants and merchant platforms. Customers that use Android apps from Dunkin’ Donuts and Seamless… Read More

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Lego Dimensions Video Game Brings Lego Toys To Life

142858186673 Lego has a new game in the works with Warner Bros. Interactive, which brings the building blocks into the toys-to-life category to compete with the likes of Skylanders. The new Lego Dimensions game is set for a September 27 release date, and will incorporate a number of popular and familiar properties, including DC Comics, The Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future and The Lego Movie to name just… Read More

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U.S. Teens’ Social Media Activity Is Diversifying, Says Pew

Teens Anyone in tech can tell you that Actual Teens are hallowed ground. Where teens’ tastes wander, the industry froths itself into a frenzy attempting to follow. For teens are a bellwether of dollar valuations to come. So what are American Teens keen on right now? A new report by the Pew Research Center delves into the tech that matters to the kids that matter. Read More

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TC Droidcast 44: Galaxy S6 Edge And Watches, Watches, Watches

new-droidcast-banner This week, we talk a lot about watches since the first salvo of Apple Watch reviews are out, and we can finally compare it in practical terms to Android Wear. We also discuss the Galaxy S6, which has every sign of being the best Android smartphone available. Our discussion of Android Wear jumps off from Google’s official blog post about the platform today, which seems like a meek response… Read More

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Informatica Could Feel A Tight Squeeze From Its New Owners

Series of red pipes with gauges attached to each one signifying pressure being applied. Informatica was sold yesterday to private equity firm, Permira and The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, a rather strange mix of investors. The selling price was $5.3B and published reports suggest that it might not have been Informatica’s wish to be sold.
What’s done is done, however, and the question is can this profitable company stay that way owned by a traditionally… Read More

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Zynga Drops 8% After Hours On News That Former CEO Mark Pincus Will Return To Lead The Firm

zynga farmville He’s back. Today, following the cessation of trading, Zynga announced that its former CEO Mark Pincus will return to the role. Now-prior CEO Don Mattrick is out of two chairs: The one atop the company’s leadership structure and his seat on the board. The company’s shares fell more than 10 percent in the wake of the news, but have since recovered to a more modest negative 8… Read More

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Brooks Buffington And Tyler Droll Will Yik Yak From The Disrupt NY Stage

yikyakfounders Yik Yak launched just over a year ago, and in that short time, the app has become a household dormhold name among young people. The social network, which acts like a hyperlocal, anonymous Twitter, was born out of the Southeast from founders Brooks Buffington and Tyler Droll. After hitting up nearby college campuses, the duo found fast success as the app spread from school to school and… Read More

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MudWatt Lets Kids Build Batteries That Run On Mud

Ruby_Builds4 A startup that wants to encourage kids to get excited about science and engineering, MudWatt, is now selling an affordable, fun (and, yes, a bit messy), science kit by way of Kickstarter that allows children to make electricity using just mud and electrodes. After the bacteria bloom in the mud, the kit can be used to power simple electronics, including a clock, thermometer and buzzer, which… Read More

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Apple’s iOS 8.3 Rolls Out With A New World Of Emoji And Bug Fixes

Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 1.20.14 PM Apple’s newest iOS update is out, bringing support for over 300 new emoji, in line with the update that went out for OS X today, too. That means the new, more diverse and potentially more expressive emoticons will work across both platforms. iOS 8.3 also includes a laundry list of bug fixes and improvements, addressing features ranging from Wi-Fi, app launching and Bluetooth to… Read More

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Microsoft Expands Its Container Support With Hyper-V Containers And Stripped-Down Server OS

166468610_1ab146fab6_o Microsoft doesn’t want to get left behind as containers quickly change how developers write and deploy applications. Last October, the company announced that it would support Docker containers with the next release of Windows Server. Today, it announced a new hypervisor for running containers safely on Windows Server and a new stripped-down, minimal-footprint install option for… Read More

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