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The Cloud Could Be Your Best Security Bet

Clouds in sky with lock and words "cloud security" in clouds. In fact, if a cloud service has proper controls, it could be safer than running your own datacenter. Amazon, Google, Salesforce and Box to a company have much more at stake when it comes to security. A breach could prove devastating to their businesses. That could be why it’s hard to come up with a major security snafu involving a cloud provider. Other than the Jennifer Lawrence… Read More

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Live Video Is The New Clickbait

8472724456_4a52ebf1b4_k The arms race for eyeballs online has a new weapon: live video streaming, a la Meerkat and Periscope. This type of content is innately ephemeral. Blink and you’ll miss the stream. It absolutely demands you break away and gawp RIGHT NOW. It monopolizes your attention given its fleeting duration. Read More

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Publicize Aims To Turn Its New “Reporter-In-Residence” Program Into A Bigger Trend

Rebecca Grant Startup PR firm Publicize is launching a new program for what it calls Reporters-in-Residence.
Publicize founder and CEO Conrad Egusa said he was inspired by the Entrepreneur-in-Residence programs offered by venture capital firms, where former startup founders and execs are put on the payroll to help the firm’s portfolio while also coming up with new ideas. Read More

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Tinder’s First Advertisement Is One Big Experiment

Screenshot 2015-04-03 16.23.40 This week, Tinder unveiled its first ad in the form of a video promoting Budweiser’s next #Whatever, USA campaign. The video ad will show up for Tinder users the next time they open the app, but much like Instagram’s foray into advertising, Tinder ensures that rolling out advertising on the platform will go slow. Within a few swipes, users will land on Bud Light’s profile with… Read More

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Why Your Favorite Snapchat Apps No Longer Work

Snapchat Outside of a mobile application’s official product, there tends to exist a broader ecosystem catering the wants and unmet desires of its user community. For Instagram, there are apps to boost your followers; Tinder users could once peer into who likes them and undo their accidental swipes; and dozens Snapchat apps bloomed, allowing users to automatically save incoming photos or… Read More

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Do Something Epic With Everfest’s Festival Finder

Everfest No one on their death bed says “all the things I could have owned?!” It’s “all the things I could have done?!” The world is shifting from a material culture to an experiential culture. Many of our most prized possessions like photographs and music have become digitized. We now have the Internet to find experiences, devices to capture them, and social networks to… Read More

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Weekends Are The Best Time To Promote Most Apps, Study Finds

apps According to a new report released today, the best time for mobile application developers to promote or launch a new application across a number of categories tends to be on a weekend, as it turns out. In fact, even if you do well with a weekday release in terms of download numbers, the weekend may be the better time to run an ad campaign that promotes purchases, the report found.
This… Read More

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What The Kapors Have Learned From Years Of Working On Diversity in Tech

Mitch Kapor and his wife Freada Kapor Klein. Almost one year ago, Google released its diversity data, kicking off a wide-ranging industry conversation about why tech companies and venture capital firms are so unrepresentative of the racial and gender make-up of the rest of the U.S. Dozens of other companies followed Google’s suit while the issue of gender in the venture world has been on the front burner with the Ellen Pao… Read More

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Microsoft Debuts Office Lens, A Document-Scanning App For iOS And Android

Screen Shot 2015-04-02 at 1.14.19 PM Microsoft today launched Office Lens, a mobile document scanner app that works with OneNote, for iOS and Android smartphones. The app, which allows users to snap photos of paper documents, receipts, business cards, menus, whiteboards, sticky notes and more, was first launched a year ago as an application designed only for Windows Phone devices. But in conjunction with the company’s… Read More

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