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Google Now Includes Google+ Photos In Drive

drive_photos_nexus6_animated2 Google has begun showing photos uploaded via Google+ in Google Drive, where they can be managed via a new Google Photos tab, or stored in folders alongside other kinds of files easily. The inclusion of Photos and Videos in Drive is one sign that Google is moving to part out the Google+ social network into its key components, and is good news for mobile photographers. Google+ has one of the… Read More

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Andreessen-Backed Teleport Launches A Mobile Search Engine For Globally Nomadic Tech Workers

teleport It’s a big hairy vision — knowledge-workers freely migrate around the globe, and city and federal governments compete to lure them. Teleport, a startup founded by early Skype employees around the idea of supporting an increasingly global mobile workforce, is taking another step toward that reality today. It’s launching a set of iOS and Android apps that help tech workers find… Read More

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Drifty Grabs $2.6 Million To Turn Web Developers Into Mobile App Makers

ionic-exmaples Drifty, a company that has been making it possible for web developers to build and publish native mobile applications that can then be published to the major app stores, including Apple’s iTunes, Amazon’s Appstore and Google Play, has now raised an additional $2.6 million led by Lightbank in Chicago. The new funding comes after the startup has seen significant uptake of… Read More

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Adobe’s New iPad App Lets Designers Quickly Sketch Out Layout Ideas On Mobile

Desktop_Comp CC Adobe is adding another product to its growing family of tightly integrated mobile apps today. Comp CC, which is now available for the iPad, makes it easier for designers to take their design ideas for new websites, mobile apps and print from the back of a napkin (or in this case the iPad) to production. As Adobe principal product manager Will Eisley told me last week, the company believes… Read More

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Apple’s Trade-In Program Now Includes Non-Apple Smartphones And PCs

Screen Shot 2015-03-30 at 10.13.06 AM Apple has expanded its trade-in program, which offers credit towards new device purchases in exchange for older hardware, to non-Apple smartphones and PCs (via 9to5Mac). News of the program expansion comes from changed language on Apple Store pages describing the reuse and recycle initiative on Apple’s U.S., UK, Canada and some other European store sites. The trade-in program is operated… Read More

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The HTC One M9 Is Trying Hard To Stand Out In The Android Crowd

HTC One M9 Repetition, it’s been said, is a sign of persistence and dedication. It’s also a sign of insanity. That’s where HTC is right now and, while it would be a fine place to be if there was no strong competition in the smartphone market (just ask Samsung), it’s not a great position for a company facing Xiaomi and other smartphone players on the prowl. And repetition is what… Read More

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The VR-Smartwatch Continuum

ocwatch There’s a lot of enthusiasm at either end of the spectrum for “go big” virtual reality and “go small” smartwatches and other wearable devices. Is the “game-changing” hype of either justified? Or are they overblown? Read More

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Drowning In The Live Streams

Pushed off Notifications Phones can make us jerks. They let us ignore friends, cancel plans last-minute, and annoy those around us in public. But this month, we got a whole new way to abuse our mobile devices. Unless we can manage how we interrupt each other, it could ruin one of the most promising modern communication mediums: live streaming. Read More

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Box CEO Aaron Levie Talks IPO Delay And Growth Strategies

Aaron Levie, Box CEO, speaking at TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin in 2013. Regardless, Levie didn’t have much time to savor the moment. He told TechCrunch in a wide-ranging interview last month that Box has no intention of standing still and he discussed his plans to keep the company growing, while trying to find ways to get more efficient. He also talked about the long road to IPO and what was behind Box’s thinking in delaying it for so long. One of the… Read More

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