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Slack’s In Talks With Coatue, Others For Another Round At A $2.5B Valuation

slack-large Slack, the communication platform that has taken the workplace world by storm, is on a roll of another sort. After announcing a fundraise of $120 million at a $1 billion-plus valuation less than six months ago, TechCrunch has heard that the company is talking to investors for yet another round, this time at a valuation of around $2.5-2.6 billion. Investors that we have heard involved in… Read More

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Amazon Prime Music Takes On Pandora With Addition Of “Prime Stations” On iOS

Prime Music Prime Music, Amazon’s free music streaming service for Prime members, has been upgraded on mobile today with a new feature that will see the service better competing with similar offerings like Pandora or iTunes Radio, for example. The company has now introduced “Prime Stations” for users of its iOS application, which are are ad-free streaming music stations that offer… Read More

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This Amazingly Limber Bionic Arm Connects To Your Smartphone

scaled.handii3-1 A Japanese company called Exiii has created a sub-$300 bionic arm that connects to your cellphone in order to perform some surprisingly limber maneuvers. The arm uses 3D printed parts to make it easy to build and assembled and it can be repaired or reprinted in multiple colo Read More

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Microsoft Signs 11 Agreements With OEMs To Bring Office To More Android Handsets And Tablets

Microsoft Office 365 logo Microsoft has broadened a previously announced agreement with Samsung to preinstall its software on the latter firm’s hardware it announced today, and landed nearly a dozen separate, similar arrangements with other OEMs including Dell. As a company, Microsoft is pursuing an increasingly cross-platform software strategy, one in which it is content to ensure that its applications are… Read More

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Instagram Launches Layout, Its Own Photo Collage App

Sample-1 Instagram today announced the debut of a new application called Layout, the company’s next standalone creation tool outside of its flagship photo-sharing application. With Layout, Instagram users will be able to quickly build collages using their mobile photos, which they can then choose to share to Instagram, Facebook, or elsewhere.
Collage-making is already a popular activity on… Read More

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Next Version Of iOS Will Let You Download Free Apps And Other Content Without A Password

Social Media Teens A forthcoming feature arriving in the next version of Apple’s iOS operating system, iOS 8.3, could make it easier for developers of free applications to acquire new users. Thanks to a new option found under the “iTunes & App Store” section with the iOS Settings application, iOS device owners will be able to disable the password requirement for free apps and other downloads. Read More

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Smartspot’s Tale: From A Farm In Egypt To Building A YC Computer Vision Startup For Fitness

smartspot-moawia Moawia Eldeeb grew up with his family on a village farm bordering the Nile, growing rice in the summers and vegetables in the winters. It was the way things had been for years, decades even.
But when Eldeeb’s brother was born with a rare genetic condition called ectodermal dysplasia, everything changed immediately. Because of the condition, Eldeeb’s infant brother couldn’t sweat. Read More

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Tinder’s Sean Rad Swipes Right On Disrupt NY

tinder sean rad (6 of 9) Tinder cofounder Sean Rad has been interviewed at Disrupt Europe in 2013, at Disrupt San Francisco in 2014, and this year, he’ll be hitting up the Disrupt NY stage. Tinder has had a wild year. The company started off 2014 with a sexual discrimination lawsuit filed by former VP of marketing Whitney Wolfe after a relationship between her and cofounder and CMO Justin Mateen ended badly.… Read More

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iOS Game Mr Jump Leaps To 5M Downloads After Four Days On The App Store

mrjump-animation-1 This weekend I jumped a lot, and more than a few of these jumps ended in death: I was playing Mr Jump, a new iPhone and iPad game that rewards pattern identification and memorization like the best of the old-school platformers. The game from France’s 1Button has already racked up 5 million downloads in just four days, and its simple in-app purchase and ad-based revenue model is earning… Read More

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How The Apple Watch And iPhone 6 Plus Might Flip Your Mobile Computing Habits

IMG_8970 Apple’s new wearable hardware could eventually become much more than just an optional accessory – eventually, it could be one half of a Voltron-style combo that makes up the bulk of our computing life, relegating the tablet and smartphone model to the past. Just like a tablet/smartphone combo was a common duo over the past few years, a smartwatch/phablet duo could be the optimal… Read More

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