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Starbucks Expands Its Mobile “Order Ahead” Feature To Seattle And The Pacific Northwest

starbucks-mobile-order Starbucks’ mobile ordering system, which allows customers to place orders in advance of their visit to the store, pay from their phone, then skip the line when they arrive, is today rolling out to more locations across the Pacific Northwest, including Starbucks’ home base of Seattle. In total, there are now 650 more locations supported in Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Alaska, says… Read More

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LaCie’s New USB-C Mobile Hard Drive Matches The New MacBook Perfectly

IA_MBA_Porsche-Design The new MacBook’s most curious feature might be its lack of ports – there are only two on the edges of the machine, one of the left for USB-C power, data and display connectivity, and a 3.5mm stereo headphone jack on the right for use with any standard audio gear. The singular port means accessory makers will be vying for that coveted space, and LaCie wasted no time in outing a… Read More

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Opera Brings Back Cross-Platform Bookmark Syncing

Opera A few months ago, Opera (re-)introduced cross-platform bookmark syncing in its beta applications for the desktop and Android. Today, it’s launching this feature into its stable channel for desktop, Android and iOS.
When Opera moved to WebKit in 2013, it gained a couple of new features, but it also lost quite a few more. The company always said that it would bring most of these back, though. Read More

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The Apple Watch Battery Is Replaceable

apple-watch-event0366 The Apple Watch got its grand unveiling yesterday. You can read our round-up of details from Apple’s event here. But as tech watchers chewed over the price-tag for the latest luxury gizmo to be born in Cupertino talk turned to obsolescence. Read More

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Pioneering Tech Blog GigaOm Is Shutting Down

IMG_3073 GigaOm, a tech blog founded by journalist turned VC Om Malik, is shutting down after finding itself unable to repay creditors. The site has been serving up tech news (and has served as a direct competitor to TechCrunch) since 2006. Initially Twitter chatter backed up reports of the site’s demise. “Gigaom is shutting down. The site. And the company. But Om built something amazing and… Read More

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Microsoft Hints At Faster Windows 10 Build Releases

windows 10 Microsoft’s Gabe Aul hinted today at faster releases of new builds of the company’s Windows 10 operating system. The company’s public testing program has attracted more than 2 million users to date. However, according to Aul, there are “lots of questions” regarding when a new build will be released. Given that Microsoft is more than willing to drop new code in… Read More

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Accredible Partners With Udacity To Provide Context To Nanodegrees

shutterstock_79498447 Accredible, which provides online credentials as a service, is announcing a partnership today to provide digital certificates for Udacity’s burgeoning nanodegree program. The startup has created an API that pulls data from existing online learning platforms — in this case Udacity — and creates an online certificate that summarizes the student’s behavior and learning in… Read More

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Salesforce First Enterprise App To Jump On Apple Watch Bandwagon

Apple Watch with Salesforce Wave chart. When Kevin Lynch, Apple’s VP of technology demonstrated how apps worked on the Apple Watch today, he showed some cool examples such as ordering an Uber and checking in to your hotel from the Watch, but he also included a quick peek at an app from Salesforce. It was the only truly enterprise app for the Watch that Apple showed today. Lynch showed how a person might use the Watch… Read More

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A Look At The Apple Watch Companion App

apple-watch-event0360 In order to support Apple’s new wearable device, the Apple Watch, the company announced this morning it’s rolling out an updated version of the iOS mobile operating system, version 8.2, starting today. Included in the new OS is a brand-new “Apple Watch” app, which is how Apple Watch users will be able to download apps and configure various settings, including their… Read More

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