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New Firm Combines Wearables And Data To Improve Decision Making

Group of workers meeting around conference table. Humanyze, a unique new firm spawned in the MIT Media Lab, has developed a system that uses a smart employee badge to collect employee behavioral data, which it links to specific metrics with the goal of improving business performance. It announced $1M in seed funding today. The funding was led by Romulus Capital with contributions from Boston Seed and dunnhumby Ventures. Humanyze… Read More

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GuideSpark Raises $22.2M To Create Customized Videos That Make HR Less Tedious And Confusing

guidespark GuideSpark, a startup that helps human resources teams communicate with the rest of the company, announced today that it has raised $22.2 million in Series C funding. CEO Keith Kitani told me that GuideSpark works with HR to create videos and interactive content covering things like employee benefits and compensations. While parts of those videos can be reused from company to company,… Read More

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Meet Pebble Time, The All-New Smartwatch From Pebble

Pebble_Watch_3Up  The new hardware has a full color, always-on e-paper screen, but features a slimmer, sleeker design and maintains its week-long battery life. The software is new, too, with a focus on providing you with all the information you need at a glance in one place, both for now and for the future. Pebble Time The Pebble Time smartwatch is named ‘Time’ because it uses time as its… Read More

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Facebook, Now With Over 2 Million Active Advertisers, Launches Ads Manager App For iOS

Screen Shot 2015-02-24 at 9.39.57 AM Facebook today rolled out a new mobile application designed to help the company’s now over 2 million active advertisers manage their ads from their smartphone. The app, called Facebook Ads Manager, is initially available on iOS, and allows its users to create and edit ads, track spending, view ad results, receive ad-related notifications, and more. These notifications can alert… Read More

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The First Books From Amazon’s Crowdsourced Publishing Platform Arrive March 3

Screen Shot 2015-02-24 at 9.30.56 AM Amazon has been using reader feedback to find and publish new titles via Kindle Press, using the Kindle Scout program it introduced back in October of last year. The Scout platform uses votes from readers to select what books get published, and those which receive the most favorable response are provided 5-year renewable contracts for digital publication rights, $1,500 advance and 50… Read More

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Business Services, Retail Saw The Most Online Security Breaches In 2014: FireEye

13334048894_6e8b421c4e_o Business services and retail operations saw the most online intrusions from malicious hackers in 2014, and one business was infiltrated and tapped for a full eight years before it figured out it was being targeted, according to Mandiant, a division of computer security firm FireEye. In the news recently for tracking how supporters of the pro-Assad Syrian government have been… Read More

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No, T-Mobile And Mozilla Are Not Launching A New ‘Privacy Phone’ [Updated]

shh Update: A Mozilla spokesperson has been in touch to say that the WSJ has misunderstood what Mozilla and DT are doing and they are not launching a phone, just working together. “It appears that there has been a misunderstanding and the reference to a new device or phone from DT/Mozilla is incorrect,” the spokesperson says. “To clarify, DT/Mozilla will not be launching a… Read More

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Opera Adds Free Apps To Its Android Data Savings App Opera Max

14692097377_70ca426cad_k Last year mobile browser company Opera launched Opera Max, a data-compressing Android app that let users save money on their mobile data. Now, to drive more usage of the product, Opera is adding another feature to Max: apps you can use for free. App Pass, as the service is called, is aimed first at users in emerging markets, where smartphone adoption is booming, but the average smartphone… Read More

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Google Is Making A New Chromebook Pixel “Soon”

chromebook pixel Were you a fan of Google’s Chromebook Pixel? The Chromebook with the super high-res touch screen built-in, meant largely to show what a Chromebook could be if it cost $1,300 instead of two or three hundred bucks?
Good news! It looks like Google is making a sequel. Read More

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