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Curbside Brings A Same-Day Local Pickup Option To Best Buy Shoppers

Curbside Best Buy Not all e-commerce involves home delivery. Mobile shopping app Curbside, which lets users shop from their phones then pick up their purchases at a local retailer without getting out of their cars, has been growing quickly since its debut last year, and is now processing thousands of orders per week. And today, the company is announcing a rollout to several Best Buy locations in San Jose,… Read More

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Flipp’s New App Turns Store Flyers Into Shopping Lists, Helps Compare Prices

all-circulars@2x Among the more than one dozen mobile shopping apps installed on my smartphone, Flipp has proved itself to be one of the more useful. Apparently, I’m not alone. The app, which digitizes retailers’ circulars allowing you to locate the week’s best deals on everything from groceries and household items to high-end electronics, has seen over 3.5 million downloads to date since… Read More

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Microsoft Officially Launches Azure Machine Learning Platform

Face made of red and grey gears. You know all that big data that’s streaming into your company from sensors, customers, social media, Excel spreadsheets, and data sources all over the internet? Microsoft wants to help you process all of it, build APIs and make use of that data in the cloud with machine learning technology.
And to that end, Microsoft officially announced at the Strata Conference today, the general… Read More

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EMC Partners With Hippo To Gain Customer Experience Management Foothold

Shot of just hands as man and woman shake hands. He's wearing a black suit with white cuff showing. She has manicured finger nails with purple nail polish. EMC and Hippo announced a partnership today in which Hippo, an open source web content management platform, will integrate with EMC Documentum, EMC’s enterprise content management software.
As with all good deals, each partner gains something. EMC fills in a missing piece in its content management arsenal without having to spend a lot of money. Hippo gains access to a much broader… Read More

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Solace Power Takes Aim At Wireless Mid-Flight Charging For Drones

Screen Shot 2015-02-18 at 8.29.27 AM A small startup operating out of Newfoundland in Canada is working on a big problem that could have tremendous impact on the future of the drone industry. In partnership with Boeing, Solace Power will expand the viability and efficacy of a system it developed for recharging unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) wirelessly, using energy transmitters that communicate across distances with receivers… Read More

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Backed By $4 Million, Bevy Debuts A Photo And Video Storage Solution The Whole Family Can Share

Bevy Lifestyle_Hero Shot Families today often have more photo-taking devices than family members, which has led to the problem of people having massive numbers of photos and videos, none of which are properly organized and shared. A Boston-based startup called Lineage Labs, launching today and backed by $4 million in seed funding, is working on a solution. It’s introducing a product called “Bevy,”… Read More

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YC-Backed Seed Wants To Reinvent Business Banking

Screen Shot 2015-02-17 at 3.27.10 PM Seed thinks that business banking is opaque, expensive, and behind the times. The company, which is part of the Winter 2015 Y Combinator class, wants to shake up banking, bring it into the API era, and rip out unnecessary fees to make it, according to its CEO Brian Merritt, as “easy as possible to start and manage a business.” Read More

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TC Droidcast Episode 38: Just No, Neptune Duo

new-droidcast-banner This week, we have a rare opportunity to just plain unleash on a device: The Neptune Duo, which puts all the smartphone smarts inside an Android-powered smartwatch, then makes the screen in your pocket essentially a dumb receiver. It’s backwards and bad, and we find we’re mostly in agreement on that point. In other news, LG has another Android Wear device coming to market, making… Read More

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