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WeTransfer, Funky Dutch Cousin Of Dropbox And Box, Gets $25M To Go Large In The U.S.

Screen Shot 2015-02-17 at 08.41.43 WeTransfer, the Dutch cloud-based web and mobile service that lets users send files to each other that are too large to send as email attachments, has raised $25 million, the first and only round of funding raised by the Amsterdam-based startup since opening for business in 2009. As a bootstrapped company, WeTransfer has picked up 25 million monthly active users that send 70 million… Read More

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1.2B Smartphones Sold In 2014, Led By Larger Screens And Latin America

iPhone 6 Plus on Bookshelf Apple is reaping the biggest rewards right now when it comes to selling its smartphones and other devices, but the overall picture for the smartphone market in the year ahead may be a little less rosy. According to the analysts at Germany-based GfK, in 2014 there were 1.2 billion smartphones sold, up 23% on the year before and crossing the billion-unit point for the first time. But… Read More

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Short Surfaces Quick Reads To Help You Power Through Your Saved Article Queue

Screen Shot 2015-02-16 at 4.40.48 PM A new app called Short from Enric Enrich, one of the co-creators of Todoist, and his friend Alex Muench aims to parse your endless queue of saved articles into something a little more manageable. Using popular services like Pocket or Instapaper that users are already working with to build up a list of reading material, Short sifts through saved items to bring out articles that require 10… Read More

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Swap Your Glasses Anytime With Ditto’s New Endless Eyewear Program

Ditto Endless Eyewear Startup Ditto aims to help customers customers to find the right pair of eyeglasses. With that in mind, it recently launched a new “Netflix for designer eyewear” program called Endless Eyewear. Subscribers pay a monthly fee, choose a pair of glasses for delivery, then if they don’t like the pair or get tired of it, they can swap them out for anytime you want, with free… Read More

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Exploitation By Consent

Bilder aus Elsass Lothringen The word exploit is harsh, even ugly. It suggests cynical manipulation, selfish misappropriation and even outright theft. And in fact, in the online world, an ‘exploit’ is all of those nasty things and then some. Yet for some reason, many startups and consumers don’t take even the most basic steps to stop their digital assets, and even themselves, from being exploited. Read More

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Rise Of The Micro-Tinders

Rise Of The Micro-Tinder Different strokes for different folks. But what about different apps? Tinder brought ruthless efficiency to online dating. Yet the same way people gravitate to distinct nightlife spots depending on their style, we’re seeing an explosion of niche dating apps all based on Tinder’s familiar swipes. No matter how special you are, they’ll help you find your special someone. This… Read More

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VLC’s Media Player For iOS Sneaks Back Into The App Store

iphoneblackplayback VLC for iOS, a popular media player application that has had a shaky history with the iOS App Store, now appears to be returning to the mobile app marketplace following its removal around the time iOS 8 launched in September 2014. The app’s developers never officially commented on the removal, beyond stating that they would be “working with Apple on a solution,” and later… Read More

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The Lesson of Peter Molyneux

peter-moly If you pay any attention to the gaming world, it’s hard not to notice the unfortunate flameout of Peter Molyneux. Once a respected figure, now synonymous with fanciful promises and untruths, his current plight is awful to behold. And yet at the same time Molyneux has an important lesson to teach, about the value of creativity and ambition in gaming that we all too easily forget. Read More

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Startups, Late-Stage Valuations, And Bull

tech-ipo Bill Gurley, a general partner at Benchmark, makes news mostly because he says what other venture capitalists will tell you while drunk, but does so while on the record. It’s refreshing in a way. Most recently, Gurley made the point that the tech and investment industries are shoving nine and ten-figure sums of cash into startups while not enjoying a full dig into their financials. In… Read More

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Could Nvidia Win Big With A GRID Game Streaming Box?

nvidia-grid Nvidia has a streaming game service called GRID, which it debuted last year via its Shield dedicated Android gaming devices. The maker of PC and mobile gaming graphics hardware is dabbling in becoming more of a service provider with GRID, especially since it actually has the potential to cannibalize the sale of powerful graphics cards for local gaming rigs. Nvidia is set to make a big… Read More

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