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Pandora Q4 Falls Short With $268M In Revenue

pandora-earnings Pandora’s earnings report for the fourth quarter of 2014 disappointed Wall Street, with revenue of $268 million and diluted earnings per share of 18 cents (that’s non-GAAP).
That means the company fell a bit short of analyst expectations for EPS of 19 cents especially on revenue, where analysts had predicted $276.5 million. Read More

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Our Top Five Startups At StartX’s Fall 2014 Demo Day

StartX demo day StartX, the Stanford-funded and affiliated incubator, just held its demo day for the Fall 2014 batch of startups at its headquarters in Palo Alto. The companies presenting ran the gamut from bitcoin and cybersecurity to open source machine learning. Read More

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JustWatch Debuts A New Search Engine For Cord Cutters

Screen Shot 2015-02-05 at 2.29.10 PM More people than ever are cutting their ties to big cable, and opting to either cut the cord, or just dramatically pare down their cable TV packages. According to Nielsen’s data, the top 40 cable channels have lost an average of 3.2 million subscribers over the past four years. That leaves room for startups catering to the needs of these viewers, who have either replaced or now… Read More

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Facebook’s Dedicated App For The Famous Gains Twitter Sharing, Topics In Timeline

artboard-32 Not all Facebooks are created equal: Facebook Mentions is an app the company released last year that lets celebrities use the social network in a way that’s gear for filtering out noise and making fan engagement much easier. Today, it got a couple of updates that show FB is really all bout the celebs, to the point where it now supports sharing beyond Facebook’s own network to… Read More

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White House Report Sees Potential, Pitfalls Of Big Data

data-isometric A new report released by the White House today outlines the potential and pitfalls of big data in our lives. While there is tremendous economic and social promise from big data, there is also equal prospect for abuse, especially when it comes to privacy and personal data protection.
President Obama plans to file several pieces of legislation in the coming months around consumer privacy and… Read More

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TrialReach Raises $13.5M Series B To Match Patients To Clinical Trials

Home page screenshot TrialReach is an interesting startup on a number of fronts. Firstly, the company is based in London but does most of its business in the “fast-moving” U.S. healthcare market. Secondly, and more significantly, it’s using technology to solve a very human problem and one of the biggest obstacles in medical research: matching the right patients with the right clinical trials. Read More

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HeartThis Lets You Shop All Your Favorite Stores From Just One App

heartthis A new mobile application called HeartThis wants to make shopping across multiple retailers more convenient for smartphone users. The app, which is making its official debut later today on stage at StartX’s Demo Day, puts over 330 stores in one place, allowing you to buy from places like Dillard’s, Nordstrom, Kohl’s, J Crew, Target, and many more, as well as see if there… Read More

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Industrial Toys Launches Midnight Star, Its Mobile Reinvention Of The First-Person Shooter

Midnight Star shooter For the past couple of years, the team at Industrial Toys has been talking about building mobile games for the “core” gaming audience — the kind of player who’s more interested in shooting aliens on their Xbox than flinging Angry Birds on their iPhone. Today, the company is launching its first game, Midnight Star. Alex Seropian is Industrial Toys’ CEO —… Read More

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Message Systems Buys Rival Port25 Solutions To Create Email Infrastructure Giant

Man holding smartphone with emails coming out of it. In a marriage of two email infrastructure rivals, Message Systems bought Port25 Solutions today for an undisclosed mix of stock and cash. With it, they have created a company that covers every email infrastructure need from small business all the way to mega messaging clients like social networks. Message Systems CEO Phillip Merrick, says the acquisition gives his company unmatched coverage.… Read More

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