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“Zombie” Apps On The Rise – 83% Of Apps Not On Top Lists, Up From 74% Last Year

apps-ios7 With the app economy showing no sign of slowing, the iOS App Store, too, continues to grow, and has now reached over 1.42 million apps, according to a new report out this morning from app analytics firm adjust. One interesting metric the report uncovered is just how many of the apps are effectively invisible to consumers – something adjust lovingly refers to as “zombie… Read More

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Vine Introduces Vine Kids

vinekids Vine is today introducing a new layer of the app called Vine Kids. It’s meant to be a safe, kid-friendly space for a younger audience to play around with the app and watch vines. The feature pulls from the millions of Vines being created on the platform and chooses ones that are appropriate for children. The interface of the Kids section of the app has also been tailored to be more fun… Read More

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Rothenberg Ventures’ First Virtual Reality Accelerator Emphasizes Health And Education

Deepstream VR could enlighten and heal, not just entertain. Its immersiveness could distract us from pain, help us face our phobias, or give us first-hand training. “We have a belief that VR will disrupt every industry. And it’s global. So we made efforts to find companies in every different industry and that are global” Rothenberg Ventures’ founder Mike Rothenberg about the… Read More

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Daily Mail Acquires Millennial-Focused Website Elite Daily

elite daily team DMG Media, publisher of UK newspaper The Daily Mail, announced this morning that it has acquired Elite Daily. Describing itself as “The Voice Of Generation Y,” Elite Daily mixes general news and culture coverage with stories like, um, “You Can Literally Make Over $13,000 A Year Just By Pooping.” (Which, to be fair, is good to know.) In a blog post about the acquisition,… Read More

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Blinq Enhances Your Favorite Messaging Applications With Extra Information

blinq-app A new mobile application called Blinq is launching today into public beta to add a layer of contextual information to your favorite mobile messaging applications. Founder Yossi Ghinsberg, who’s better known for his adventures in the Amazon (not Amazon.com, but the actual unchartered wilderness), described Blinq as “more of a hack than an app,” saying that people are tired… Read More

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Minibar Offers On-Demand Booze Delivery In 13 Cities

Screenshot 2015-01-29 13.31.18 The snow is piled high and frozen on the New York City streets. Joshua and Amanda sit on their couch for the fifth night in a row, bored out of their minds but unwilling to bundle up, venture into the winter night and try to find warmth elsewhere. “Christie and Caleb want to go out,” Amanda says unenthusiastically, without looking at Joshua. “You care?” “Tell them… Read More

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Uber Sued In California For Fraud, Negligence Following New Delhi Rape

uber-like black car Nearly two months ago, a young woman was allegedly raped by her Uber driver in New Delhi, India. The incident led to the banning of the service in India and a full-scale investigation there, but the victim has brought her case over to the U.S. now filing a complaint with the Northern District Court of California. The charges raised in the complaint include negligence and fraud, and the victim… Read More

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Tesla Model X Caught On Video At The Test Track

Screen Shot 2015-01-30 at 8.37.37 AM A new model Tesla has been caught on camera at the Alameda Airport test track (via Electrek). The car looks pretty similar to a Prius, or perhaps a crossover utility vehicle, and could plausibly be either the Model X SUV Tesla has been working on for years, or, as others are arguing, a prototype of the mass-market Model 3 that the coming is planning to bring to market in the $35,000 price… Read More

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The Startup Advice You Don’t Hear Inside The Echo Chamber

echochamber When today’s most successful founders are asked why they started their companies, they often give some version of the answer that they were “scratching their own itch.” Airbnb founders Joe Gebbia and Brian Chesky were renting out their floor space to help cover their rent. Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook to help Harvard students find one another. Nest co-founder Matt Rogers… Read More

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