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ShuttleCloud Launches API To Import Address Books And Build “The Email Graph”

ShuttleCloud You’ve probably heard of the social graph and the interest graph. Now a startup called ShuttleCloud says it’s trying to help developers with “unlocking the email graph.”
By email graph, ShuttleCloud means “the contacts and the relationships buried within your email,” according to Bob Greenlees, the company’s director of operations and business development. Read More

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Snapchat Lets You Add People Via QR Snaptags Thanks To Secret Scan.me Acquisition

Snaptag Leaked emails from the Sony hack revealed Snapchat quietly acquired a QR code startup called Scan.me late last year, and now we know why. Yesterday alongside Discover, Snapchat launched a new feature called Snaptags that creates a unique QR code for every Snapchat user. When someone points their Snapchat camera at a Snaptag, the app adds the corresponding person as a friend. Read More

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Hopper’s New Travel App Tells You The Best Time To Fly

Screen Shot 2015-01-28 at 12.50.30 PM A mobile application called Hopper, out today on iTunes, is using data and analysis from “billions” of flight prices in order to tell travelers when they should fly and buy tickets. The company claims that it’s able to save users as much as 40 percent on flights, and in 95 percent of cases will get you a cheaper flight or one that’s at least the same price as you would… Read More

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App Annie Reveals The Top 9 App Trends From 2014

appstore Mobile analytics provider App Annie, the market leader in the app measurement business today, is out this morning with its annual report that takes a look back at the app trends that defined the past year. The report includes a look at app category growth, like the expansion of mobile messaging services, mobile video streaming, “sharing economy” apps and more, as well as growth of… Read More

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Eventjoy’s New App For Event Goers Adds Real-Time Chat, Live Announcements And More

app-preview Eventjoy, the event management platform and Y Combinator graduate that was quickly snatched up by Ticketmaster last fall, is today releasing a new version of its mobile application for event attendees that’s more of an overhaul than an upgrade. The new application introduces a number of unique, new features, including the ability for event attendees to chat in real time with event… Read More

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Metromile Launches Uber Car Insurance Where Drivers Only Pay For Personal Miles

Uber metromile Uber covers drivers with $1 million of insurance when they’re on the job, but they still have to buy personal car insurance even if they hardly drive off-the-job. But now, Metromile and Uber have developed a seamless personal/commercial per-mile car insurance plan for Uber drivers that uses a cellular gadget that plugs into their vehicle’s diagnostic port. It connects with Uber… Read More

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TC Droidcast Episode 35: The Nexus 6 With Touch ID That Might Have Been

new-droidcast-banner We venture into the glorious Land of Speculation today to ponder what a Nexus 6 with a fingerprint reader would’ve been like, after former Motorola CEO Dennis Woodside revealed one was planned but then scrapped after Apple acquired AuthenTec to provide the basis for Touch ID. We also discuss Android gaming on TVs, the Nexus Player, and Motorola’s return to the Chinese market.… Read More

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Oyster Brings The Harry Potter Series To Its Subscription E-Book Service

Oyster Harry Potter Oyster, which offers unlimited access to more than 1 million e-books for $9.95 a month, just announced it’s adding the Harry Potter series to its library.
To do this, it’s partnering with the website Pottermore (which has been getting attention recently for publishing new, Potter-related stories from author J.K. Rowling). Read More

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