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Xpire, Now On Android, Brings “Disappearing” Posts To Twitter

xpire Disappearing messages, like those on popular apps like Snapchat, give users a sense of greater privacy when compared to larger, more public social networks like Facebook or Twitter. While not infallible (see 2014’s Snapchat hack, for example), the idea is that your content doesn’t live forever etched in stone online, but exists to be consumed in the moment, then discarded. Read More

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Google Launches Classroom Mobile Apps For Android And iOS

Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 11.35.43 AM Google’s Classroom education initiative launched just about half a year ago, but it’s been a web-based affair until now. Today marks the release of Classroom apps for iOS and Android, however, which should help build on the existing 30 million assignments that have been submitted via the platform since its debut. The Classroom mobile app lets students take photos and attach them… Read More

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Microsoft Announces A Skype For iOS Testing Program

skype_iphone In addition to rolling out an updated version of the Skype for iPhone mobile application this morning, Microsoft also announced the launch of a new testing program for Skype iOS users who are willing to download, use and give feedback on pre-release versions of the mobile calling and chatting software. Participants in the program need to be 18 years old or older, plus have a valid email… Read More

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ClosetSpace Brings Fashion Inspiration And Recommendations To Your Smartphone

Screen Shot 2015-01-13 at 2.57.49 PM A new application called ClosetSpace from fashion analytics company Stylitics wants to put a digital closet in your pocket, while also feeding you daily inspirations, outfit suggestions, and more, as well as offering access to a personal stylist for just $25.00. The app, targeting mainly at women, is meant to serve as your centralized fashion hub that helps you with everything related to… Read More

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Nintendo’s New 3DS XL Is Heading To The U.S. February 13 For $200

New-Nintendo-3DS-XL-Metallic09-Black Nintendo has revealed that it will bring the new version of the 3DS XL to the U.S. on February 13, following its launch of the redesigned hardware in Japan last year. The new version features a second analog stick, as well as two new shoulder triggers, microSD and NFC support. It also has improvements to the 3D viewing system that makes for better viewing from a range of angles, meaning the… Read More

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Watch Google’s Project Ara Developers Conference Live Right Here

ara flip Excited about modular smartphones? So is Google, which is hosting its second Project Ara Developer Conference today in California. The Ara project is designed to provide a consumer-ready platform for modular smartphone tech, letting users buy and swap out individual components like cameras, processors and sensors in configurations of their choosing. Remember, as you watch this, that Project… Read More

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Video Chat App Rounds Raises $12M In New Funding Led By Sequoia

Rounds Rounds, a video chat company based in Tel Aviv, Israel, is announcing that it has raised $12 million in Series B funding.
The company was founded back in 2008 under the name Gixoo, launching a video platform called 6rounds a year later. Rounds says it now has 25 million registered users, and CEO Dany Fishel told me that the “vast majority” of them joined in the past few months. Read More

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Apple Finally Takes iAd To Latin America, In A Deal With ‘Market Maker’ IMS

4433838597_cb45139c84_b iAd, Apple’s advertising platform for apps on iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad, has been gradually building up its international business since first going live in the U.S. in 2010, and today comes the latest step in that progress: it is bringing iAds to Latin America, starting first with Brazil and Mexico and eventually expanding to other countries like Venezuela, Argentina and… Read More

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UK’s Purple WiFi Raises $5M To Push Its Free Social WiFi Service Abroad

3295019479_e0ab12a39f_b Free public WiFi has become one of the more popular ways that cafes, shops and other public places attract users and then use the connections to serve ads and collect other kinds of anonymised analytics. Now, a startup out of the UK called Purple WiFi has raised some funding for its own twist on the idea: letting people log in using social IDs from Facebook, Twitter, Google or Instagram… Read More

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