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Report: Google Play’s App Store And Developer Community Grew Faster Than Apple’s In 2014

googleplay-tablets According to a new report out this morning from appFigures, the Google Play mobile application market surpassed Apple for the number of new apps for the first time in 2014, and its developer community growth also exceeded Apple’s for the third year in a row, now distributing apps from 388,000 different developers. Much of that growth took place in the latter half of the year, the… Read More

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NEEO Is A Universal Smart Home Remote That Recognizes Your Hand

23f7082eec9e3b565e6cb357aa4bf385_large The smart home needs a remote, and one startup debuting on Kickstarter today thinks the smartphone isn’t necessarily the best option of that. NEEO is a dedicated device that includes a remote, as well as a brain to centralize control of your home, including your home theater equipment as well as connected gadgets like the Nest, Philips Hue and more. NEEO is a Cupertino-based startup with… Read More

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A Tarnished Uber Tries To Woo The Press

uber-smile1 Tonight we might get a glimpse of the kinder, gentler Uber, but we won’t be able to talk about it. The startup has endured months of disastrous press coverage, including Uber exec Emil Michael saying the company should smear journalists that criticize it.
Now the company has emailed reporters saying “The Uber Communications Team invites you to join us for drinks” at a San… Read More

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Tinder Acquires Ephemeral Messenger Tappy

Screenshot 2015-01-12 16.42.12 Tinder has just closed its first acquisition. The IAC-backed startup has purchased Chill, creators of Tappy, as part of a strategic acquihire. The terms of the deal were not disclosed. Tappy is a mobile messenger that uses photos and ephemerality to put a new face on text messaging. All messages disappear after 24 hours, and Tappy’s conversations must begin with a photo. From there, you… Read More

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Ten One Design Mountie Review: Your Mobile Workstation, Upgraded

mountie The first week of 2015 was CES for me, which meant working out of a suitcase in a bizarre fantasy land hewn from hard desert rock, grit and little else. My home office is a veritable oasis of displays and screen real estate, while my mobile CES office most definitely is not. Luckily, this year, I had a review unit of the Ten One Design Mountie on hand, and it made a big difference in my… Read More

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Demandware Snags Point Of Sale Provider Tomax To Extend Reach From Web To Store

Three colorful shopping carts. Demandware announced today that it bought Tomax, a cloud-based point of sale company for approximately $75M in cash and incentives.
According to Demandware CEO Tom Ebling, the acquisition extends Demandware’s reach from eCommerce websites to the brick-and-mortar storefront. Ebling said that they were attracted to Tomax for several reasons.
First of all, like Demandware, they are… Read More

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Twitter Is In Talks With India’s ZipDial

india street scene We have heard that Twitter is making another acquisition, with international growth and mobile marketing in mind. Sources tell us that Twitter is in negotiations to buy ZipDial, a startup founded in India that has honed in on a mobile use case that is unique to its home market and others like it. People who call numbers but hang up before the call is answered, using the action as a… Read More

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The Apple Watch Shows Up In The iOS 8.2 Beta Bluetooth Menu

img_2153-2 Apple has a new beta for iOS 8.2 out today, and the software contains a hint that suggests it could launch publicly alongside the Apple Watch. The mention of the Apple Watch is found in the Bluetooth menu, according to 9to5Mac, where a message at the bottom of the devices list directs users to head to a dedicated Apple Watch app in order to pair their new wearable with their smartphone. The… Read More

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AWS Launches New C4 Instances For Compute-Intensive Applications On EC2

dsc06143 Late last year, at its re:Invent developer conference, Amazon announced that it would soon launch its fastest EC2 instances yet. Starting today, developers on AWS can spin up these new C4 instances to power their highly compute-intensive applications in Amazon’s cloud.

As Amazon notes, these new instances are designed for applications where CPU performance is critical. These include… Read More

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80% Of All Online Adults Now Own A Smartphone, Less Than 10% Use Wearables

Screen Shot 2015-01-12 at 15.18.19 If people are looking to Apple and its new smartwatch to kickstart wider consumer interest in wearable computing gadgets, the maker of the iPhone will have a lot of work ahead of it. New research out from the GlobalWebIndex indicates that in a survey of 170,000 adult internet users across 32 markets, only 9% report having a smartwatch, and 7% said they owned smart wristbands. In… Read More

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