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This Week On The TC Gadgets Podcast: CES, CES, And Some More CES

Screenshot 2015-01-09 17.11.56 The holiday season is over. January-style dread hangs thick in the air. And yet, the Consumer Electronics Show in the middle of the desert has found a way to lift our spirits. We looked at all kinds of gadgets, from 8K televisions to analog-style wearables to a whole host of Internet of Things-type products. There were robots. There was virtual reality. It was like Christmas happened all… Read More

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Imint Wants To Bring Real-Time Video Stabilization To Android

Screenshot 2015-01-09 at 16.48.55 We saw a number of companies launch apps for video stabilization in the last year — including Instagram’s Hyperlapse for iOS — and Apple brought stabilized video to the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus camera. Now,  Imint wants to do something similar for Android phones with the launch of Vidhance Mobile. Before you get too excited, though, it’s worth noting that Imint… Read More

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Pick Aims To Take The Frustration Out Of Finding A Meeting Time For Everyone

banner-software-overlay-ce5dc391d11e79c5f405a818a6c4e7d3 Pick is a desktop and iOS app that aims to help you find time a good meeting time for a group of people. Instead of blasting an email out to everyone with a bunch of random times in hopes one of those works out, it collects info from all your calendars and determines when everyone has time to get together.
The app quietly launched on the App Store a couple of days ago without much fan fare. Read More

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Smartphone Makers Need To Put An End To Distracted Driving

texting and driving I’m cruising down the road at 45 mph when – ka-ching! – the sound of a cash register blares out from my iPhone. It’s one of now several deal-finding apps I have installed that alert me to nearby sales at local stores. I love the functionality they provide, but I’m not thrilled with the timing. The phone buzzes some more as the alerts roll in as I coast past the… Read More

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And The Winner Of Hardware Battlefield 2015 Is… Voltera

LR3A0347 The competition was very fierce for the second edition of our Hardware Battlefield. 15 shockingly good hardware startups competed to win the coveted Metal Man trophy. These companies had a very special CES experience as they all pitched in front of multiple groups of judges in our tent right in front of the Convention Center. The startups were competing for $50,000 and being named the winner… Read More

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Watch Hemingwrite Bring Mechanical Typing To The Cloud

Hemingwrite 04 The typewriter is basically relegated to septuagenarians and hipsters at this point, but the Hemingwrite aims to make it a little more broadly appealing with cloud-based document storage and syncing, as well as digital e-ink display that means you won’t have to mess around with corrective tape or go through reams of paper just to prepare a simple cover letter. We covered Hemingwrite at… Read More

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Nearby Live Lets You Anonymously Meet New People Via Your Smartphone

App Icon A mobile application called Nearby Live, which began its life as a social app for Windows Mobile users, has slowly expanded its reach over the years and has now hit a few notable milestones. As the app, now with over 2.1 million users, heads out of the Stanford-affiliated StartX accelerator, it has rebranded, lost a co-founder, raised a small seed round, and finally reached its final… Read More

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